Creating an Irish Civil War Widow

On the 20th July 1864, the 33rd New Jersey Infantry of the Army of the Cumberland found themselves at Peachtree Creek, outside Atlanta. They were gathered on a hill some 300 yards in front of the main Union position acting as an outpost for their brigade. Their...

The Civil War in One Chart

This chart, digitized by the Library of Congress, depicts major battles, troop losses, skirmishes, and other events in the American Civil War. (Click on the image to arrive at a zoomable version, or visit the LOC’s website.) The “Scaife Synoptical Method,” advertised...

Cooter and Fast Eddie

It isn’t every day that one makes preparations to go and play music for some friends but instead ends up being portrayed in the national press and on the Internet as some sort of antediluvian racist who should not be seen in the company of someone aspiring to the...

The Southern Drawl on Film

“There are things you can get away with in this world, and things you can’t.” The voice is Matthew McConaughey’s, and days after seeing him in “Mud,” I can close my eyes and hear him still — a simple line echoing with the mysteries...
News From Around the South 3/18-3/25

News From Around the South 3/18-3/25

Tennessee: Compromise Sought after Memphis Strikes Confederate Names from Parks MEMPHIS, Tennessee — Memphis officials are proposing a compromise after the City Council stripped Confederacy names from three city parks. Mayor A C Wharton and Councilman Jim Strickland...